5 Things To Do After Moving To A New Place
While preparing for a move might seem like the biggest hurdle to overcome, there’s still a lot left to do once all of the furniture and boxes are in the new place. If you’re feeling frazzled, it’s important to take it a step at a time and prioritize the most important things. Check out this list from Later Gator Moving on what you should do first after a move.
Haven’t moved yet but need help getting there? Our Gainesville moving company offers moving and packing services, junk removal, and storage.
Unpack Essential Items
As part of your initial packing, you should prepare at least one box that stays with you. This box should contain essential items, such as extension cords, a lamp, chargers, toilet paper, basic food utensils, and a shower curtain with rings and hooks. You should also pack an overnight bag with a few days worth of comfortable day and night clothing, medications, and personal hygiene items. This way, you have everything you need right away without having to tear open a bunch of boxes just to find an item you need.
Walkthrough & Document
Whether you’re buying or renting, it’s important to do a walkthrough of your new home or apartment and document any issues. If you’re renting, take pictures and submit these to your leasing office so you won’t be charged for these damages when you move. Doing this will help you determine what’s worth fixing, such as a leaky roof, and what’s worth waiting to deal with later, such as a scratch in the flooring. Documenting will also help you remember where issues are months down the line when you’re far from the moving process.
Get Utilities Set Up
If you didn’t schedule services for electricity, water, trash, and the Internet before moving, now is the time to do it. Utilities are a must-have in your new place so that you can shower in comfort, access information online, and ensure that your daily routines can start returning to normal as soon as possible. If you’re moving within the same state, check on the ability to transfer services rather than canceling and starting new ones. Transferring services can save you both time and money.
Transfer Your Personal Information
Make sure your new billing address is updated for credit cards, bank cards, billing institutions, and through the postal service. This will ensure that you receive your mail without missing a beat and that your financial cards aren’t flagged when you start using them in a new place. You should also transfer over prescriptions and have your medical records sent to your new primary care physician.
Explore Your Neighborhood
Beyond the tasks that make sure life continues without a hiccup, make sure to take some time just to enjoy your new home. Take a break and go outside. Introduce yourself to your new neighbors, enjoy the sights of your new neighborhood, and get a feel for what life will be like in your new environment. While it’s important to get everything else done, it’s equally important to allow yourself some relaxation to appreciate everything around you.